The Shining by Stephen King bookreview (english)

Hello there,

I have read the entire book, and I am now ready to write out an article about the book. I must say even tough I'm going to write another announcement about this writer that I'm getting a wee bit tired of Stephen King.


So a non functional family goes to live in the overlook hotel, a hotel that in the winter is not open because it snows under but it is needed that the hotel has some upkeeping.
The thing is that the Kid of this nonfunctional family has certain talents, he can read toughts and have certain visions of either the future or what is happening to other people or something.
Lucky for Danny and Wendy, Danny has befriended the cook of the hotel.

The book kind of goes about slowly the hauntings drives the family even more crazy as Jack the father of the family wants alcohol, while he is a drunk and off the hook for a while now. He got a job as the concierge of the overlook hotel. At first only Danny can see the ghosts of murders past but after a while Jack loses his mind to the hauntings as he was already kind of mentally unstable.

Because Jack cannot  keep his mind straight he goes on a rampage, just the same as the last person who kept the hotel up and running last winter and killed his family right there because of the ghosts of murder's past.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

Well, I personally think that this book was a bit to slow to my taste, the thing is that the movie goes way faster, but has less character development. I had stated in a previous article that the book has better character development but the thing is that this character development slows down the story so hard that the characters are so much that it almost comes to a complete stop at given moments.

On the other side, this book is written in a way that you are living in the story trough the eyes of the characters instead of the 3rd person and I personally thing that was the most intresting part of the book


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