The Frog Prince

Hai there,

A couple of months back I bought a composition book of the stories collected by the brothers grimm.
This is the first Story I am going to review for you guys I hope you guys will enjoy this.
By The way The 2009 Disney film, The Princess and the Frog, is loosely based on this story.


A little princess lets her golden toy fall into a body of water, and a frog retrieves it if the princes accept his terms (note that never ever in this story is her age mentioned!) The princes ofcourse not planning to follow up this promise agrees anyway because shit happens .
Once back home, she is enjoying dinner with the king and queen, and the frog arrives and demands to be let in. Being the good father he is the king orders the princess that she follows up her promise to even something as ugly/small/insignificant as the frog. He eats dinner with them and when the princess and the frog go to the princesses room he changes into a prince and they ride off together. The prince, now suddenly a king has a servant pick him up and has chains around his heart breaking they were installed around his heart to prevent his heart from breaking after his master dissappearing.
My opinion and other irritating stuff
Actually this story is one of the classics, the princess kisses the frog and he turns into a prince and shit. I think the messages in this story are:
  1. Don't lose your toys kids
  2. don't judge on appearances
  3. Don't go with strangers even if they claim to be a king or queen, not ven when they offer you candy from a white van! 


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