The Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown

Hello there,

A while ago I announced that I was reading this book, announcing that I would also be writing this article about it

So here it is, the article about the book.


Robert Langdon gets accused of the murder of paul saugneire or something whom he had an appointmet with later that evening of his murder. Paul is grand master of some cristian cult who posses the truth about the life of Jesus and left several clues behind for Robert and his grand daughter.
In reality it was the opus Dei who commited those murderers to get the Holy grail in their hands, to save the church or something, a strange figue called "de leermeester" (I read the dutch translation I'm Sorry ) has given Silas the command to get the grail for him and has committed those murders. But this Albino gets only the wrong answers from his victims.
What follows is a tom and jerry like search between the Opus dei, Langdon and sophie, and the French police and the leermeester. who is either searching for the holy grail or the commiter so to speak of the crimes commited in the start.

My opinion and other irritating stuff about 
this book

I think the author of this book, Dan Brown, has really done some effort do research about the topic of this book otherwise you cannot write thing like that.But Personally I think that the book revolves to much about the failure of the French police to detain Langdon and Sophie and way to few about things like the Opus Dei and the holy grail 

Furthermore, I think that the conclusion of this book drags on way to long, Like I already did in this other book I already reviewed .
For me this book recieves 7/10


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