Southpark S20E02: Skankhunt (english)

Southpark S20E02 Skankhunt
Hello there,
this is an article about the second episode of the animationseries. I have enjoyed watching this episode and I hope you enjoy reading this article.


The episode starts with a presentation about the internettroll of the episode before. The troll is obiously in the public while some guy with a phd is giving the presentation.

After that the scene cuts to someone who is going to commit suicide, but the girl just throws her phone into a local rivir. The trll who's not Cartman but the father of Kyle talks with Kyle's brother about trolling and just continues like nothing has happened.

The girls of the schools are going to retaillate on the boys for the troling, but the boys are going to rebel against Cartman while he is actually innocent of this trolling (nice change of pace ain't it?) so they decide to go out into a cabin and it looks like they are going to murder Cartman right there and then.

Social media in this episode gets put at the same standing as a life in this episode and quitting these social media is like killing youself. I think everyone has lost at least one person to suicide, I know I have and I can't laugh with it but I'm not taking offense.

Kyl's father, enjoys his trolling way to much and is the only happy person around because he has a place to ventilate his own frustrations.

The guys who have already left arrive at the cabine and it really looks like they're going to kill Cartman but in reality they just break Cartman's electronics to prevent him from even going online while I can't stress enough that he is innocent.

My opinion and other irritating stuff
I think personally that saying ot insinuating that suicide and quitting social media are one and the same thing can't be happening or is something not to be compared with eachother.

But I can see the point of the makers of southpark that in these times they are basically the same for many people and it is a wake up call of them to uss that we should live more outside then on social media, which is a weird point to make as a guy who lives in his mothers basement spending his time writing on a blog

Next up is the idea that trolling is always negative and always ruines lives is just false as when both parties the reciever and the troll know it is all laughs and cheers its alright but it does affect lives. But I rather think that these people get bullied in real live asswell
For the rest I think that this episode of Southpark less good as previous episode, I think we have had better episodes of this series. But I think that I had more hype with the previous episode then with this episode.


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