Reasonable doubt (2015, english review)

Hello there,

I have watched this movie now and I will review it for you guys.
Never ever, have I heard about this movie, but I have watched it and now this article about it.


A person working in the prosecuting office in the United States, goes partying after a win. He drives home drunk because he is afraid his car might get stolen otherwise on his way back he has an accident but because o his position he thinks he cannot get a DUI. So he calls an ambulance trough a payphone (that for some reason still exist)

But by the time the body arrives both our guy and the body have been gone, but some other guy (played by samuel L Jackson) gets arrested for this and turns out he was actually Murdering this gauy with torture because his victim had done some nasty shit in the past.

Samuel doesn't get 30 to life because of the call to 911 that had been made. And our guy from the DUI office goes on an investigation that will get Samuel in jail anyway.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

I think that this movie was made for television instead of theatre as it has a classic plot for a television only movie, but it was a reasonable movie anyway. I think this movie for the effort recieves a 6/10.


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