How I met your mother: Season 1 episode 3 The sweet taste of Liberty

The sweet taste of liberty

Another day another episode! We will see much of Barney Stinson in this episode and one of his major schemes that costs alot of money to pull off.


The same as before, No changes to the cast yet.



this text contains spoilers!

Ted recounts to his children that he wanted to go to maclarens the bar where the group always hangs out. The episode starts with Ted and Barney calling eachother over the phone at some point a cab with barney stops and Barney convinces Ted to go to the airport with him to "pick someone up". 
The scene changes to Marshall studying and Lily and Robin hanging out in the bar.  And some guy is hitting on Robin by buying her a drink.
Back to the airport. Ted and Barney find 2 girls where Barney wants to hit on. But they are going to Philladelphia. So Barney buys 2 plane tickets to Philly and get on the plane. Ted calls Marshall to tell him that he is on his way to Philly, Barney takes over the phone call and convinces Marshall to get in his car and drive to philly.
Back in the bar, Guys keep interupting Lily and Robin's conversation to hit on Robin. Lily says that she has a line that she always uses to turn down guys then she gets interrupted by a guy again to hit on Robin, Lilly is quite dissappointed in that.
On the plane, Barney and Ted discover that the 2 girls aren't single and their boyfreinds are both their boyfreinds are linebackers for the eagles.
Marshall calls up lilly to say that he is on his way to Philly. He gives his blessing to Lilly to take off her engagementring to see if she can get alot of guys hitting on her because she is jealous of Robin getting all the attention.
The planes arrives in Philladelphia, Ted calls up Marshal to say he has to return to NYC because they're not on the crazy adventure that they tought they were going to be on. A couple of seconds later, 2 people from airpoirt security step up to Barney and Ted to arrest them for their shady behavior at the airport. (they left the suitcase at the airport.
Ofcourse they get interogated. Barney keeps up his story to pick up pretty girls. They show the footage of the abanoned bag. We also see that Barney has been doing this alot the last couple of months. Ted tells the truth but the airport security doesn't believe him, they call Marshall again to continue to philly instead of going back because they need a lawyer.
Back at the bar Robin wants to leave But Lilly wants to stay in that bar.
In philly Barney and Ted are release, in the suitcase were a bunch of condoms and a powerbar.
at the bar Lilly has some succes, She thinks actually the guy is gay and only wanted to say to her she sat on a grape.
In philly Ted and Barney go to "sasha's" party. But it is kinda lame they have to keep to volume down and stuff because of Sasha's grandfather. 
Barney talks to a security guard of the liberty bell and asks if he touches it and stuff. Ted got freaked out and left. Marshall returned to NYC and walks into the bar. And wants to fight the gay guy that was "hitting" on Lilly but she explains in time that he is gay.
He hugs the gay guy and the boyfreind walks in and starts figthing marshall because they're both the jealous type.
Meanwhile, Barney somehow redirected the cab they were using to go to the airport to where the libertybell is. Ofcourse Barney convinces ted to go and lick it.
At the end (which isn't far from this scene) Ted is recounting the story (kind of inception in here because he is recounting that he is recounting the story) to a girl that he licked the Liberty bell.


For those that are still here with me, this episode raises some questions for me.
  1. How much money does Barney make so he can have the money for plane tickets in cash.
  2. Why didn't airport security arrest Barney eirlier in post 9/11 US?
  3. Why didn't Robin and Lilly go to another bar if they both didn't like that Robin was hit upon so much by guys?
  4. Why didn't Marshall say that He didn't like that lilly took off her ring?
I must also remark that either Mcclarens is a single bar, or it is unrealistic that Robin gets hit on so much in one night. Also Robin sees to have alot of patience with this, I wouldn't be so patient really. But then again I am not a single lady.

This is supposed to be the story of how ted met his wife but we are not really closer to meeting or seeing his wife than in the first episode of this series.


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