Snowpiercer (2013, review)
Snowpiercer (2013)
I know this is an old movie, certainly in these mordernist times where everything moves fast. But I watched it and I will review it anyway!
Some facts first!
small synopsis
Snowpiercer is a South-Korean siencefictionfilm out 2013 based on the french strip
Le Transperceneige from the hands of Jaques Lob, Benjamin Legrand en
jean-Marc Rochette. The movie was directed by Bong Joon-ho, the scenerio
is from Bong and Kelly Masterson. The lead roles are for Chris Evans
Song Kang-ho, Go Ah-sung, Jamie Bell, Ewen Bremner, John Hurt (the the
doctorwho fans, this is the wardoctor), Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer
and Ed Harris.
About the story
movie takes place in a future where an experiment to combat global
warming has gone terrebly wrong. Everything is covered in snow and the
survivors are placed on a train.
we have a ruling class, a middle class and a low class which is totally
at the back and has really bad living conditions. The upperclass raises
rebellions once in a while to keep the population under control because
natural selection is to slow to keep population under control. The
rebellion the movie depicts actually succeeds with the leader going all
the way to the front. He is actually the first one to walk the whole
lenght of the train.
train isn't a communist hideout (which was to be expected) but if you
are the last of humankind why would you even take people on board and
then threat them badly? I mean loads of people get killed for population
control, why even take to "lower class" people with you if you only
care about the higher class which gets all the nice food, living
compartments etc. But ofcourse we see children doing manual labour in
spaces to small for adult people, but that is just extorsion.
is another thin that bothers me about this movie really, it is a really
bad idea to get a self sustainable colony on a train. What could go
wrong you ask? it can derail by explosions, parts can go out of service
and after a while you can be unable to replace them. If an apocalyptic
event like another ice age should happen, don't build a train that is
intended to ride forever.
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