how I met your mother Pilot

How I met your mother (2005)


Yes  I know this is a series that is old (10 years this year) that I didn't start to watch until like 2012-2013. I don't remember how I discovered it but I loved it very very much trough thick and thin. I wouldn't say it had a profound impact on my life but it certainly kept me wishing time would go faster so I could watch another episode.
spoiler alert!:In this post I will post the grand lines of the story of this episode and comment on it.


Josh Radnor : as Ted Mosby
Jason Segel: As Marshal Eriksen
Cobie Smulders :as Robin Scherbatsky
Neil Patrick Harris : As Barney Stinson
Alyson Hannigan: Lilly Aldrin


Ted Mosby, a father recounts to his children the story of how he met their mother. he lives in New York (where most of the story will take place too!)
The story starts with him explaining his situation of the time, He had a roommate named Marshal Erikson.
Barney soon comes into the story, he always wears suits and he is quite the Casanova. He meets Teds in the bar after Ted calls him. He doubts if he is ever going to marry. 
Lilly comes into the appartment some details happen, Marshall is cooking to suprise Lilly. We don't see the actual dinner but afterwards they're doing the dishes when Marshall takes a bottle of champagne out of the fridge. He then takes out a ring, and asks Lilly to marry him. Ofcourse she says yes, have sex on the kitchen floor, after that Marshal tries to open a bottle of champagne and shoots the thing onto Lily's eye. (she wears an eye patch for a long time)
Back to the bar it is. Barney and Ted are still there a couple of things happen and sees Robin. He instantly falls in love with her and ask her out for dinner. She can't go out for dinner on the date he proposes but they agree to go out for dinner on another day, right on the night Barney expected Ted to go lasertagging (or something).
They go out to some fancy restaurant with a Blue French horn (which is quite important to the story, I might add!)      He remarks that Robin is no ordinairy girl. 
Barney in a bathtub
Robin then needs to go to work, to her own surprise, there was a man that wanted to jump of a bridge. Lilly,Marshal, Barney and Ted then meet at the bar, talking about Ted's expierence on his date with Robin. They convince Ted to go to Robins appartment to seal the deal once inside but he screwed it up by saying I love you to early. That screws up the mood, he almost promptly leave.He missed "the signal" to kiss Robin when they are saying farewell.

My opinion

This Episode is a start of a long story of how Ted Mosby met his wife and his childrens mother. This episode Kind of explains how most of the group met, they will stick together for 9 seasons afterall so this pilot drags us quite into this story.
According to me the series, has a very good pilot. It promises us very much and if you are in these kind of series you are in for a treat because you will most likely  be almost insta addicted to this series just like me.
It is certainly worth watching this series


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