Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Hello there,

this is some kind of review about Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, I have other more recent movies lined up for translation into english but this one has been waiting for longer so I tought htat I would be typing it out now while watching Warcraft.


The third movie in this series of movies starts like the usual, with Harry spending summer with his aunt and uncle. We view how harry uses magic for the second time as he inflates his aunt, effectively she becomes a balloon. Pressing him to leave the house, and summoning the wizards version of public transport by accident.
He meets the minister of magic but he does not get scolded for his use of magic out of school like he should be.and he doesn't have to go to azkaban and isn't expelled from hogwarts. Arrived at the leaky couldron he meets Ron, the rest of the Weasely's and ofcourse Hermione. 
They go to hogwarts after Harry has been given a stern warning not to seek out sirius black, at this moment they think that Sirius will try to kill Harry. They explain that sirius betrayed his parents to he who shall not be named! 
A reasonable normal school year passes and he finally meets sirius after what you Americans call teen angst, after all of this they finally get to meet sirius. By the way ron's rat was some guy called peter pettigrew. The gang and some others like the new teacher and some other teacher (not saying his name otherwise you'll know its snape) and it also turns out that the new teacher is a werewolf.


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