Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Hello there!

This time I will blog about Harry potter and the chamber of secrets, as I already made a review about the first movie of this series. A while back I saw the extended edition of this movie and I must say there are some difference between the two.

With that I mean between the version released the cinema and the one I saw recently.
The link to the article of the first Harry Potter movie is here!   and I would like to finish this series of movies.


So, the storyline goes as follows (and a bit like the previous movie) We are introduced to alot of new characters and new spells and stuff. One of the most intresting new things is the new transportation method with flu powder network(in my opinion that is) I can say now that things go wrong from the start.

Now I'm going to start telling you the story, after Dobby the house elf tries to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts by smashing a cake on the fancy visitors head so that Harry's uncle puts some sort of fence in front of Harry's bedroom window (yes he got promoted). Ofcourse he gets rescued by ron and 2 of his brothers. They arrive with a flying car and they bring him to their home and he recieves a warm welcome.

By a new tric used to transport him (the flu powder, I talked about him before!) he gets stuck in the criminal version of the wizard shopping street. What I think is strange about this part is that you cannot use magic before the age of 17 away from school without you getting caught and you going tojail but they apperently can use this without a problem. 
He reaches his destination, he meets Hermoine in there and she fixes his glasses AGAIN! We go to the bookstore fast where they meet their future teacher for defence against the dark arts. This seems to be the George Clooney for the wizarding world. That guy gives his entire book series to Harry for free just because he is Harry Potter. 

A whole lot of misunderstandings happen, and almost cost alot of people their lives (but everyone surive but mainly Harry Potter himself). Also Draco his father is introduced in this movie and frees dobby with a tric. 

My opinion and other irritating stuff

My opinion about this movie is that this movie is kind off good, the acting of the children has rather improved. The quality of the movie has also improved from the first movie. Asides from the morally good decision to do the tric that freed Dobby I think this is way to simple.


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