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Posts uit september, 2018 tonen

The church of dead girls: Prologue and part 1 overview

So in this book is kinda of part with something stephen king would write but some what more on the nose, and this is a book that Stephen King recomended, at least it what it says on the cover.

Classics Summarized: Don Quixote


Django unchained

This movie, is quite the erm how shall I put it? It is like inglorius bastards, showing serious histry but with a fun twist with this story that did noth appen in reality or I would have known about it as an amateur historybuff. And yes finally again some original content on the blog!

Selkie - Mythical Creatures Beastiary


Shawshank Redemption - What's the Difference?


Genies - Mythical Creatures Beastiary
